The Arihant Blogs

The Olympic Playbook

November 14, 2021 | Sunday

Sporting has never been this competitive before, ever since I can remember in my small life span that I have spent here on planet earth, Sporting was about to make you relax, energies both Mentally and Physically, provokes strongest of emotions and enhances your collaborative skills.

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Finally, Competence is Over Gender in India

November 13, 2021 | Saturday

This Wednesday, India caught all the eyes on it, by "THE BIG MOVE" that has been made that women are now inducted as permanent commission in Defence Academy through the NDA and Naval Academy. This decision was the path-breaking for the generation reforms which was taken by the Centre.

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Student and Change - It's Constant

October 12, 2021 | Tuesday

Only Change is constant.” Lord Krishna said to Arjuna during the War of Mahabharata. 

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